RabbitWhen it comes to planting new plants and trees you may choose some that smell nice or some that are visually appealing, but it may behoove you to choose saplings that won’t be destroyed by local wildlife. There are certain types of plants and trees that rabbits, gophers, and other little critters simply aren’t interested in. There is no such thing as a tree that is animal-proof, but there is a selection that will deter animals from snacking on your beautiful garden. Let’s check some out!

Are they animal proof?

The short answer to this question is no. No plant is completely animal proof. During a drought or at times when food is scarce, animals will eat just about any plant they come into contact with. One thing that should be mentioned is that rabbits tend to nibble on young growth, so you might want to be extra vigilant during the first stages of your plants’ lives even if they’re one of the recommended plants below. Deer will try any new plant once, so you should keep that in mind as well. One of the most important things to keep track of is the kind of animals that are plaguing your plants. This will help you to protect your landscape and garden much better. For gophers, you can place little chicken wire fences in the ground surrounding plants to keep them from ruining the roots. Rabbits can be kept out with some clever fencing solutions. Deer, because they are so big, can be tougher to keep at bay. Remember that knowledge is power, so stay informed on the pests in your yard.

Plant Suggestions

You don’t have to sacrifice beauty to keep the animals at bay with some of these lovely flowers and trees. Foxglove, Bleeding Hearts, Purple Cone Flowers, Bee Balm, and Catmint are all really beautiful flowers that shouldn’t be too bothered by animals of any kind. Some plants can be used to create a barrier around other plants. These barrier plants have a particularly strong smell that seems to ward off the pests. Thyme, Lavender, Pine, and Lilac all seem to provide the scent barrier.

If you want to prepare your landscape for spring, call the Atlantic Maintenance Group. The Atlantic Maintenance Group is a full service landscaping company, providing weed control, lawn fertilization, aeration, tree and shrub care, leaf removal, design and construction. To get your free quote today, give us a call at 410-768-4720 or contact us via our website today. You can also follow us on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Google+ to see how we’re growing!