Getting Rid of Moss from your Hardscaping Features

The humidity is coming back from hibernation, so that means moss might begin to grow in places that were clear before. Moss on bricks or other hardscaping features can be slippery and unsightly. So, you probably want to get rid of it if it has invaded your patio. Let’s check out some ways to get […]

Retaining Walls for April Showers

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  If you have a beautiful yard or garden space, then you need to make sure that it can handle the rain. April showers might bring May flowers, but your garden needs to survive it first. So, why not try putting a retaining wall into the space? This will help your soil remain firmly in […]

Choosing Animal Resistant Plants

When it comes to planting new plants and trees you may choose some that smell nice or some that are visually appealing, but it may behoove you to choose saplings that won’t be destroyed by local wildlife. There are certain types of plants and trees that rabbits, gophers, and other little critters simply aren’t interested […]

It’s Never Too Early To Start Weed Control

Henry David Thoreau once wrote that spring “is a natural resurrection, an experience of immortality.” Every spring, your garden and yard are renewed with fresh, beautiful, growth. The problem is that without careful management your gardens resurrection can go from beautiful to a thing of horror, like an episode of The Walking Dead. That’s because […]

5 ways to prepare your landscape for spring

To celebrate that there are just ten days till spring the Atlantic Maintenance Group is here with five ways to prepare your landscape for spring. Pruning, edging, mulching, fertilizing and planting all help beautify your yard and bump up your curb appeal. So get ready to say goodbye to snow and the winter blues and […]

Winter Storm Thor is Coming For Maryland

Winter Storm Thor is coming for Maryland and it’s bringing down the hammer of winter on the North East. Central Maryland is on the verge of being blanketed by another 6 to 10 inches of snow, after only just recovering from the previous snow and ice storms. The Atlantic Maintenance Group is bracing in preparation […]

Maintaining Hardscaping In the Winter

When you think of your patio and hardscaping wear and tear, what time of the year do you think of? Spring showers, summer storms, or all the leaves of autumn might come to mind. It might surprise you to learn then that the majority of the damage done to your hardscaping happens in the winter. […]

Plan Your Landscaping Now so You can get to Work Come Spring

Your yard is a flat plain of snow now, but are you dreaming of a warm spring with beautiful flowers, blossoming trees, and handsome hardscaping? Get on the way to making your dream a reality, plan your landscaping now so you can get to work come spring! Make a Grid of Your Property Before you […]

Reasons to Prune in the Winter

The cold, wind and snow make working outside during the winter miserable. However, some landscaping work still needs to be done, in particular pruning. That’s why the Atlantic Maintenance Group has a guide detailing the important reasons to prune in the winter. It Makes Pruning Easier The first of our reasons to prune in the […]

Snow Mold and Your Lawn this Winter

With the snowstorms and snow-melts that we have recently experienced in Maryland you may have noticed gray or straw colored circles of matted grass in your lawn.  These spots may be the result of snow mold. What is Snow Mold? There are actually two types of snow mold, gray snow mold and pink snow mold, […]