Reviving Plants that Were Damaged by Winter
Follow these tips for reviving your plants that were damaged in the Winter.

Winter can be brutal, for people as well as nature. When the temperatures drop, just like we put on coats, our plants and landscape have a way of going dormant and protecting themselves in the cold. Even still, plants can become damaged by the winter freeze and require some tender love and care to come back to life. Follow these tips for reviving your plants that were damaged in the Winter.


Although we’re on the brink of spring, there are still some cold days ahead. Therefore, remembering to water your plants before the temperatures drop to freezing levels can help protect the roots. Even in the cold, your plants can dry out. Keeping the soil moist will give your plants the necessary water reserve they need to stay healthy.


Fertilizer is usually seen as a great addition to your plant-life, but in this case, you should avoid it. Damaged plants make you want to over-case for them, but too much can be too much. Hold off on the fertilizer until spring. In the winter, the fertilizer can cause more harm than good.

Avoid Pruning

Don’t let the wilted and brown parts trick you into pruning your plants. They are actually protecting the healthy parts of your plants from the frost. Although it might not be the most aesthetically pleasing, it does serve a purpose during the cold. If you wait until spring to do your pruning, you’ll know that your plants are healthy and able to thrive in the warmer weather.

Brown Lawns

It’s normal for your lawn to turn brown in the winter. There’s nothing that you need to do. However, if you find that areas of your lawn are turning white or starting to smell, those could be signs of permanent damage. If growth does not resume in the spring, you’ll have to have those areas replaced.

All of Your Lawn Care Needs from Atlantic Maintenance Group

Atlantic Maintenance Group is a full-service landscaping company, providing maintenance, design, and construction, as well as snow removal, and asphalt and concrete services. We are your source for complete landscape and facility maintenance for commercial and residential properties throughout Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. We are a self-performing landscaping company, meaning we don’t hire subcontractors, and senior management is involved with every project. Our highly trained team of professionals receives constant, ongoing education on the latest industry trends, updates and safety measures. This ensures we can deliver outstanding customer service and results to our clients, regardless of the size of your job.

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